Are you interested in the law? Do you want to protect your community? The field of law, public safety and corrections offers a range of opportunities for you.
Career Pathways

Law and public safety have five career pathways:

  • Law Enforcement: Individuals who fight crime and maintain public safety, such as police officers.
  • Legal Services: Individuals who work with the law, such as judges, lawyers, and assistants at various levels.
  • Emergency and Fire Management: Individuals who respond to emergencies or natural disasters, such as paramedics or firefighters.
  • Correction Services: Individuals who work with law enforcement with a focus on those who have broken the law, such as a correction officer or probation officer.
  • Security and Protection Services: Individuals who protect buildings or people, such as security guards or life guards.
Meta-Major: Public Safety

Are you interested in a career in the law or public safety but not sure what you want to do? Check out the public safety meta-major at your local state college. A meta-major is a collection of associate degree programs aligned to a general career area, such as public safety. Because all programs under the meta-major have common courses, you can pursue a relevant course of study before deciding on a specific degree program.

Education-Career-Income Connection

The field of law, public safety and corrections offers a broad range of occupations at varying education levels.