
Do you like math? Do you have an interest in managing money and learning about investment strategies? The field of finance might be the right fit for you.
Career Pathways

Finance has five career pathways:

  • Accounting: Individuals who track and report how money is received and spent by a company or organization.
  • Business Finance: Individuals who develop the strategy for managing money within a company or organization, such as budgeting and investing.
  • Banking Services: Individuals who provide a range of services in a bank.
  • Insurance: Individuals who sell insurance policies, and process insurance claims.
  • Securities and Investment: Individuals who develop investment strategies and sell stocks and bonds.
Meta-Major: Business

Are you interested in a career in finance but not sure what you want to do? Check out the business meta-major at your local state college. A meta-major is a collection of associate degree programs aligned to a general career area, such as finance. Because all programs under the meta-major have common courses, you can pursue a relevant course of study before deciding on a specific degree program.

Education-Career-Income Connection

Many high-paying jobs in the field of finance require a bachelor's degree.

Training, Certificate or Associate's Degree
bachelor's degree
Source: June 2023 O*NET OnLine