EDUCATION and training

Imagine inspiring young minds, sharing your knowledge, and making a difference in the lives of students every day. As a teacher, you'll have the opportunity to ignite curiosity, foster creativity, and empower the next generation to reach their full potential. Teaching is highly gratifying, and skilled educators are in demand across various settings, including schools, universities, and even businesses.

  • Do you want to make a positive impact on young people's lives?
  • Do you have a passion to serve and teach people new things?
  • Do you consider yourself a leader or role model to those around you?
Career Pathways

The education field has three general career pathways:

  • Teaching and Training: Individuals who provide instruction to students.
  • Administration: Individuals who develop curriculum and manage schools, colleges, and other places of learning, such as daycare centers.
  • Professional Support Services: Individuals who provide special support services for students, such as school counselors, social works and speech pathologists.
What It Takes
A pair of hands holding a heart
Four hands overlapping
Teamwork & Coordination
Two speech bubbles with lines instead of text
Communication Skills
To-do list on a clipboard
Organized & Detail-Oriented
An analog clock
Time Management Skills
Alternative Routes to Certification

If you already have a bachelor's degree, Florida makes it easy for college graduates who were not education majors to earn the credentials to teach in K-12 public schools. To learn more about alternative routes to certification, visit Florida Department of Education's Certificate Pathways & Routes. Additionally, TeacherReady is an online alternative teacher certification program offered by the University of West Florida. In just nine months, you will complete the necessary coursework and fieldwork to pass three state exams to qualify for a Florida Professional Teaching Certificate. You can choose certification from more than 30 subject areas.

Education-Career-Income: Education & Training
required education
Salary Range
$38,640 - $134,260
Education Administrator
Master's Degree
$60,008 - $115,003
Guidance Counselor
Master's Degree
$47,000 - $67,840
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor's Degree
$47,000 - $67,840
Secondary School Teacher
Bachelor's Degree
$47,000 - $67,840
Special Education Teacher
Bachelor's Degree
$48,090 - $76,880
Career/Technical Education
Bachelor's Degree
$47,719 - $70,114
Day Care Administrator
Associate Degree
$33,300 - $47,740
Preschool Teacher
Associate Degree
$21,030 - $33,340
School Bus Driver
$37,500 - $61,300
Child Care Worker
$20,730 - $26,730
Source: 2024 Florida CareerSource
For more information, visit Florida Department of Education CTE Frameworks