Do you love the theater? Are you interested in the news of the day? Then you might want to explore the field of arts, audio-visual technology, and communications.
Career Pathways

The arts, audio-visual technology, and communications field has six career pathways:

  • Audio and Video Technology and Film: Individuals who make or sell audio or video equipment.
  • Journalism and Broadcasting: Individuals who gather and report news.
  • Performing Arts: Individuals who participate in theater and musical productions, from actors to talent agents to costume designers to producers.
  • Printing Technology: Individuals who prepare digital content for printing.
  • Telecommunications: Individuals who install or maintain equipment used for broadcast communications.
  • Visual Arts: Individuals who create works of art, including drawings, paintings, or computer graphics.
Meta-Major: Arts, Humanities, Communication and Design

Are you interested in the arts, audio-visual technology, and communications but not sure what you want to do? Check out the arts, humanities, communication and design meta-major at your local state college. A meta-major is a collection of associate degree programs aligned to a general career area, such as the arts. Because all programs under the meta-major have common courses, you can pursue a relevant course of study before deciding on a specific degree program.

Education-Career-Income Connection

Arts, audio-visual technology and communications offer a range of jobs at different education and salary levels.

Training, Certificate or Associate's Degree
bachelor's degree
Source: June 2023 O*NET OnLine