Do you like to design buildings or landscapes? Are you a builder? If so, construction might be the right field for you.
Career Pathways

The construction field has three general career pathways:

  • Design (Preconstruction): Individuals who develop detailed plans for building structures, including homes, roads and bridges, such as architects.
  • Construction: Individuals who implement construction designs, building and remodeling all types of structures, such as carpenters, electricians and plumbers.
  • Maintenance and Operations: Individuals who manage the placement and management of machines and equipment, such as refrigeration mechanics.
Meta-Major: Industry, Manufacturing and Construction

Are you interested in a career in construction but not sure what you want to do? Check out the industry, manufacturing and construction meta-major at your local state college. A meta-major is a collection of associate degree programs aligned to a general career area, such as construction. Because all programs under the meta-major have common courses, you can pursue a relevant course of study before deciding on a specific degree program.

Education-Career-Income Connection

Many construction jobs do not require a degree but most require some technical training.